“Suffocating the Movement – Shrinking space for women’s rights”

Increasing fundamentalism, conservatism and traditional values started suffocating the women’s movement. Women were physically prevented from moving freely and women’s …

Statement for the 51st session of the Commission on Population and Development

The Federation for Women and Family Planning with its partners and allies from Central and Eastern Europe welcomes the theme …

Statement for the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women

The Federation for Women and Family Planning welcomes the sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women (12-23.03.208) …

Commissioner's meeting with representatives of the Polish women's organizations, incl. Federation for Women and Family Planning

International concerns about women’s rights backsliding in Poland

The worsening state of SRHR in Poland has brought multiple reactions from international human rights bodies. Please below find here …

Conformism, contempt & conceit – voting on abortion-related bills in the Polish Parliament

10/01 will be remembered as another day when Polish women were betrayed by people who were given mandate to represent …

#25YearsOfWomen’sHell – 25th disgraceful anniversary of the Polish anti-abortion law

7th January 1993 Act on Family Planning, Human Embryo Protection and Conditions of Legal Pregnancy Termination (later: the Act) has …


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