Recent SRHR developments in Poland

President of Poland Andrzej Duda vetoed an amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law passed by Parliament, which removed the requirement to obtain a prescription for emergency contraception. In response, the Ministry of Health created a pilot programme under which it will be possible to obtain emergency contraception through a pharmaceutical prescription.

The Sejm, in its first reading, referred 4 bills concerning the termination of pregnancy to the Special Committee for further work. Two of them, authored by the MPs of the Left and Civic Coalition clubs, provide for the legalisation of abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy.

Another, authored by MPs of the Third Way Coalition, restores the pre-2020 legislation, which boils down to restoring the embryopathological permise for abortion.The last bill is amneding the Penal Code and provides for the decriminalization of abortion.

FEDERA’S advocacy

FEDERA’s representatives, led by FEDERA President Krystyna Kacpura, attended a meeting with the Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia. The meeting concerned the draft bills on abortion being processed in the Sejm.

Over the course of March and April FEDERA also participated in meetings with the Parliamentary Clubs of the Third Way and the Left, as well as the Ministry of Health and the Patient Ombudsman. These meetings are part of FEDERA’s advocacy campaign for the liberaliZation of abortion law.

In addition, FEDERA’s advocacy succeeded in blocking the candidacy of Professor Mariusz Zimmer for the position of Provincial Consultant in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Prof. Zimmer had committed a violation of patient’s rights in the past, which was, thanks to FEDERA’s litigation, officially confirmed by the Patient Ombudsman. (Link to the Ombudsman’s decision on Prof Zimmer.)

Abortion guidelines for hospitals

FEDERA’s lawyers prepared operational abortion guidelines for hospitals that were submitted to the Ministry of Health.